"Yo vengo a someterme y a responderle a la Justicia" dijo Arete al fiscal Regional, Fernando Mancilla Silva, pocos minutos después de ingresar al Palacio de Justicia de Medellín.
Su decisión de entregarse se debió a que alias Leo y Canoso, dos de sus hombres de confianza, habían sido dados de baja en el último mes.
Al momento de su entrega la Fiscalía General de la Nación ofrecía una recompensa de $100 millones de pesos por quien tenga información de su paradero, ya que se lo involucraba en el homicidio de los hermanos Moncada y Galeano (Misma recompensa que para Chopo, Angelito y HH), entre otros delitos.
El 27 de noviembre de 2001 quedó en libertad. Al salir de la Cárcel de Maxima Seguridad de Itagüi recibió disparos en la entrepierna y tuvo que ser intervenido en la Clinica Medellín donde al ser informada su esposa de que quedaría en cuidados intensivos por 3 días, firma los papeles donde se hace cargo de su esposo y asi poder sacarlo de la clinica por miedo a que vayan a querer matarlo.

"I have come to submit and respond to the Justice," Arete said to the Regional Prosecutor, Fernando Mancilla Silva, a few minutes after entering the Palace of Justice in Medellín.
His decision to turn himself in was due to the fact that alias Leo and Canoso, two of his trusted men, had been discharged in the last month.
At the time of his delivery, the Attorney General's Office offered a reward of $ 100 million pesos for anyone who has information on his whereabouts, since he was involved in the murder of the Moncada and Galeano brothers (Same reward as for Chopo, Angelito and HH), among other crimes.
On November 27, 2001, he was released. Upon leaving the Maximum Security Prison of Itagüi, he was shot in the crotch and had to be operated on at the Medellín Clinic where, when his wife was informed that he would be in intensive care for 3 days, he signs the papers where she takes care of her husband and thus be able to get him out of the clinic for fear that they will want to kill him.
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